Wednesday, September 22, 2010


So things do not get much better than they have been going lately.  I am not trying to be funny.

I have not had the greatest times being unemployed, and I am not even sure why.  It seems kind of wasteful, but I spent a lot of time sleeping, I think.  I don't know.  It is all a little hazy, but now that I am a Temporary Secretary (see yesterday's post) and am waiting for a placement to come along, days are getting so fun!

First of all, one of my top five favorite pals of all time asked me to be the

 to her

 (except PLATONIC, of course) when she goes to her sister's wedding in Mexico in the spring!  Yeeeeeeeahhhhh!  Honestly I am not sure how it is legal for the two of us to hang out in our own country, let alone someone else's, but it tis the plan none the less.  I am happy that we both already got our buddy tattoos so we don't drunkenly stagger into a Mexican tattoo parlour and demand to have eachothers' names tattooed on our noses or something.  Barely far fetched, we just have that kind of friendship.

Also I found out that my little sister is getting married in June and have started looking for cute wedding ideas as she seems a bit overwhelmed and I am planning to help out a lot.  It is weird looking at so many wedding blogs.  It is difficult to not get swept up in that bridal mania...  especially when weddings are getting so cute these days!  Look at this....  How am I supposed to avoid wedding fever in the face of this?!?  Poor Mr. 
Anyway, if anyone has any cute ideas, I am looking for some.

Also today, I had my first drum lesson in a zillion months.  This is a video of my second lesson (don't judge, assholes, I am a beginner).  I had a few more after that video and then haven't played since like, mid-January.  So anyway, it was really fun and Mr. and I had a little drum battle because he has two kits set up right now (*swooooon!!!!!!*  Anyone who knows my history with drummers will know how much that makes me drool). 

Also, when we took a break for lunch, Mr. drank his Coke too fast and got belchy and belched the lyrics to this song to me, while we sat IN PUBLIC, eating our lunch.  There are like 350 zillion really good reasons that I am totally crazy about that guy, and burping Lionel as an honest and genuine expression of affection is right up there near the top.  Lionel Ritchie has the weirdest face...


Coming over to say hello with INTENSITY.

Hey!  I have never gone for Dim Sum before ever in my life.  I have decided this is unacceptable.  I would please like for someone to take me for Dim Sum as soon as possible.  Ok?  Mr. and I had super delish stickyrice in lotus leaves and I realised that if I were the type of person that went for Dim Sum regularly, I would get to eat sticky rice all the time, which would be the best possible scenario, until it came to pants-shopping time.

Anyway, let's go!  Let's do everything!

xo Motorjoan

xo Motorjoan


  1. 1. Unemployment is fantastic.

    2. You are fantastic.

    3. Lionel Ritchie IS super intense, remember when Nat used to make all sorts of weird paintings about him? I can't help but think this all means something.

    4. Miss you dearly, come visit soon!!!!

    xox, e.

  2. Hi love! If there is any way I can get myself out there to see you, you know I will. I miss you dearly as well, although when I see blog photos of your beautiful Montreal life, I am glad for you that you went.

    I DO NOT REMEMBER NAT'S LIONEL RITCHIE PAINTINGS!!! When? How did I not know about these??

