Monday, September 20, 2010

Polyester Pants on Fire

I am looking for some good burlesque movies for this movie night I am having for the CCB ladies next weekend.  Any ideas?  I got The Night They Raided Minsky's and I got 2 Cyd Cherisse films because I loooooooove her, but I feel like I need one more backup in case those suck.  I welcome suggestions.  I would also be into hearing about any thematically appropriate snack ideas. 

Anyway.  Another crappy cold day, another home made soup recipe.  This one I sort of made up, partly because this other girl that I know talked about making a Moroccan inspired soup using the always gnarly eggplant (it seems exotic!  I have never used it before!)

Anyway, I faked it and it is AWESOME and it is even Vegan again, so I think everyone should make it.  It will be like a spicy Moroccan mustached man is hugging your tummy from the inside!!  Yum! 

First, preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.  Also start thinking of some other things you can be doing while this soup cooks, because it takes a while to get delicious.

Ingredient list:
1 eggplant
1 sweet potato
1 cup (ish) of red lentils
2 cups of stock
2 handfulls of fresh spinach
zest and juice of half a lemon
2 tsp tumeric
a bit of cumin
1/2 tsp of cinnamon
black pepper
red chili flakes
2 tbsp olive oil
1 yellow onion
1 yellow pepper
a couple of carrots
8 cloves garlic

Cut one eggplant (unpeeled) and one sweet potato (peeled) into 1 inch chunks, toss in a tablespoon or two of olive oil, season with salt and pepper and roast for 15-20 minutes.

In a large soup pot, heat a small amount of olive oil.  Add one diced yellow onion and 8 cloves of garlic and cook until translucent.  Add 2 cups of veggie stock, one cup of red lentils (or more, follow your heart on this one, I added lots),   Add roasted eggplant and sweet potato.  Add one tomato, chopped in 1 inch chunks, some coarsely chopped  fresh spinach, 2 chopped carrots, 2 tsp tumeric, a dash of cinnamon, a dash of cumin, some red chili flakes (or just a buttload of black pepper, up to you).  Bring it to a boil for a minute or two and then reduce to a simmer.  Let it bubble for 90 minutes. 

See?  Here is where you need a task.  I designed a dress, and got it cut out and pinned.  I'll post photos when it is done. I think it is going to be pretty cute.  Maybe you could watch this and feel good about life, or you could make some Twilight themed crafts, or start watching the best show in the universe and get super horny for bikers. 

Okay.  So after the soup has simmered for 90 minutes, add the zest and juice of half a lemon and a chopped yellow pepper.  Cook for another 20 minutes and serve it up with some dense awesome bread.  The sweet potato gets all soft and buttery tasting.  This soup rules, I am not ashamed to say it.

Okay, anyway, today started out with 4 grim hours of engaging in the most degrading of all acts...  applying for work.  Gahd.  I sat with this really nice lady trying to keep a straight face while telling her that all my life's dreams and ambitions culminate in a job covering some receptionist's maternity leave.  Yeesh.  I had to dig all my office lady clothes out of storage.  So here we go again, I guess.  Type, type, file file, pencil skirts and paper cuts.

I am still looking for things that will help me pay my mortgage and not make turn my heart into a joyless wasteland.  I doubt I will find it making Excel spreadsheets, but I suppose one never knows.

I really forgot how much applying for jobs involves totally not telling the truth.  I mean, not like, pretending to be an astronaught or whatever, but man, I felt like a real dick when i overstated my Microsoft Office proficiency...  I just hate this whole business.  I would do anything to go back to the days of being a lifer at Blackbyrd... 

I promise this will be the last blog with no photos.  I know they are boring as shit to read when there is nothing to look at.  I'm sorry.  I will do better.  To make up for it, look at this:

xo Motorjoan

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