Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Take 'er Sleazy

Hi loves! 

I can't stop losing my mind over Night Beats.

Remember when Ikea had round beds? Did I ever miss the boat on that one. I have this really funny memory of scamping through Ikea (for some reason!?) with this guy I didn't really know very well after a super hilarious night of gin swilling (like we met up at 9 in the morning to go to Ikea on purpose, wtf?), having $2 Ikea breakfast and ending up taking a hangover nap on the floor model of the round bed. Swedish for common sense? Not always. Anyway, I want one so bad now, and preliminary internet research makes it seem as though you can only get custom ones for like $15,000 now. Crap. Look how awesome this is, I NEED it (except I have some taste and imagination so the rest of the decor around this awesome bed would not be shitty and boring):

Ugh. Anyway, for a bit there is seemed like I was just THE WORST at life (everyone was so mad!) and when it seems like you are just THE WORST at life, sometimes it helps to look at something that is every single different kind of bad. Really. It helps! Here you go!:
Dear lady: What are you trying to achieve? Why are you so mean to your dog, and why don't you understand art or peacocks? Why does that dog bone dress exist? Why do you have a pretend Oscar trophy beside your purple poodle? Look how sad she is. She is going to bite your face off for this someday and you will deserve it.

The normal cycle of events seems to be happening, getting winter bored, getting depressed about it, whining lots and staying in, bathing less and going mental, getting fed up, setting up 1 trillion art projects, getting so busy that your head is going to fucking explode, grinning at how nice it is to have an art boner again, (lather, rinse repeat). I am sad that none of these things that are coming up are announce-able yet because they are sooooooooo awesome. This spring/summer/fall is going to rule.

As part of one of these projects, I have a new friend Joe. He's a drum smasher and seems to be a like-minded maniac and this morning he covered my Facebook page with awesome jams that have 100% saved my day and life. This one in particular makes me lose my mind:

 (It's nice to have new maniacs around. They're the best kind.)

OH YEAH, ALSO... I know everyone's probably heard this already but for the benefit of all the bots from Russia and South Korea that for some reason land on this blog hundreds of times a day, everyone's favorite rascal Travis Sargent made a record and it is awesome and everyone should listen. It's a warm and dirty living room recording, jangly and spare (in the good way). He switches back and forth (sometimes a few times in the same song) between earnestly holding out his dented and weary heart, and telling you to fucking get stuffed because who gives a shit anyway. Sounds like the real thing. Nice to have that dude back. 

Apparently I am too spastic to embed his tracklist but I insist that you immediately go and listen to his awesome songs right here.

Ok? Ok. If you are not dancing around your bedroom in your underwear, there is no hope for you.

While you're at it, look at this awesome surrealist series by Amy Guidry:
No recipe! I am on a cleanse and don't want to think about food! Instead have a look at this blog that everyone I know is losing their mind over: My New Roots 
I have yet to try any of the recipes featured here (although they all sound totally amazing), but I have heard some rave reviews from people (about the desserts in particular). Also the woman who writes it may actually be the cutest person that ever lived and I have a raging girl crush on her.

Ok! That's all! xo!

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