Monday, November 14, 2011

Quote of the weak

I just read a T.S. Elliott quote that said something like 'the natural state of a creative person is anxiety'. (Sorry, I know I butchered that. If you are a T.S. Elliott purist and I have offended you, I am 50% sorry but also 50% think you should get a life.)

I wonder if it's true though, you know? On one hand, there are all these people make it look easy, like they breathe and make art with the same level of difficulty and volition. But how? It seems like there is never enough time in the day and everything is so distracting and it is so hard to know if what you are doing is worth anything, even to yourself let alone anyone else, and if you ever stop everyone will forget that you ever existed at all and everything just moves so fast and suddenly you're so old... Lots of anxiety seems to come from the idea that I have more anxiety than most, being an utter fucking fraud. How do people just DO and just KNOW? I have no idea.

In any case, it is kind of comforting having someone speak with authority on the things you secretly wonder when you can't sleep at night.

Also, like I have a single fucking thing to complain about.  If this were even 50 years ago, none of this would even be an issue because I would be a wife and mother and that would just be... it. No one is starving. No one is impeding on my right to do much of anything that I want to do. I bitch and moan about art because I have the privilege of bitching and moaning about art. Ugh. What a jerkoff. If I spent as much time making stuff as I do delivering stern lectures at myself, though, there would be no bitching and moaning at all. Anyway, that sorta circular logic doesn't help get things done.

Speaking of quotes, the Mr.'s dad threw this one at me a few months back: (It's John Adams! Doesn't that make me seem SMART??) "I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain."

Like I said, if this were even 50 tiny little years ago, I would not be complaining at all....

Ok. Enough Novembery complaining. Check out Pamela Love, who makes the pretty shiny things most recently dazzling my magpie eyes:
Please, someone, give this to me immediately.

One more pretty thing:
A recycled wood corset that makes my heart flutter...

Also this is pretty funny:
(via Lost at E Minor)

I have decided on an exciting adventure for the spring and now (hint) I need to make some quick money. I am going to do some shameless self promotion here in a little bit, and I'm sorry, I will try not to be tacky about it, but I need to sell some arts and things and get the hell out of Dirt Town for a little while, or these mopey bummer blogs are going to be coming fast and furious all winter long.

The AGA's Refinery Party is coming up pretty soon, that is exciting. (Look at this promo photo by Fish Griwkowsky!) The Lumberjack Formal dress code is getting me pretty excited. I have so many options that I may have to pull a costume change or two over the course of the night.

Capital City Burlesque's contribution is going to be pretty adorable, I think. And funny. I am really excited about the whole thing. The sneak peek photos that have been circulating of the monsters that Smokey and Josh Holinaty are making for the event look pretty amazing. I think this is going to be one of those events that gives us all the feeling that we're all going to be alright. Good timing.

Okay, before I go, one more quote that is possibly my all-time favorite, although I reserve my right to contradict or change my mind about that at any time...
"Quand on est dans la merde jusqu'au cou, il ne reste plus qu'a chanter." (Samuel Beckett)

Ok! That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. Everyone is just pretending they have their shit together, I think.
